Our main strategic partners:

Our main strategic partners:

Research Institutions and Universities

  • Università degli Studi di di Napoli Federico II
  • Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
  • Wageningen University – Olanda
  • Università degli Studi di Palermo

Marea S.C. A R.L.

Public-Private Aggregation deals with industrial research, experimental development and technology transfer for companies. It is made up of Public Research Centers and qualified industrial companies, leader of a larger Cluster of Companies, all operating in the fields of Advanced Materials, Biotechnology and Agroindustry. The cluster was established in 2013 as a Public-Private Aggregation”, in the meaning defined by the national legislation of the PON Research and Competitiveness in terms of High Technology Districts and Public-Private Laboratories, funded under Title III of the Notice referred to in the D.D. 713/Ric. MIUR, with the aim of creating an organization able to operate concretely in the areas of industrial research, technology transfer and internationalization.


Public-Private Aggregation, also funded under Title III of the Notice referred to in D.D. 713/Ric. MIUR. The main objective of the LINFA Public-Private Laboratory is the development of a number of innovative actions, interventions and services – aimed on the one hand at the defense of tree crops in the field, with a consequent increase in production yields, and on the other, to raise the level of competitiveness of the entire olive supply chain – with particular attention to food safety, through sectoral actions related to the production and processing phase, with a strong emphasis on product enhancement and recovery of bioactive metabolites for the development of functional ingredients to be proposed as nutraceuticals / cosmetics.

BXL Europe Asbl

It is an international association based in Brussels, which operates in the field of the development of project activities. In particular, it offers assistance in the realization of complex projects of local and rural development, analysis and studies, programming and planning of cultural, tourist and environmental resources, design and management of educational/training interventions with particular reference to the cultural and environmental, food, social services, tourism and rural tourism sectors.


C.so Vittorio Emanuele, 656 – 80121


Piazza Mazzini, 27 – 00195
Tel: +39 06 56569171


Tel. +39 081 405655

Fax +39 081 4207876

Mail segreteria@arek.it

Pec arkadiusz@pec.it

P.IVA 08524551218 – (CUU) T9K4ZHO

Naples (IT)

C.so Vittorio Emanuele, 656 – 80121

Rome (IT)

Piazza Mazzini, 27 – 00195
Tel: +39 06 56569171


Phone +39 081 405655

Fax +39 081 4207876

Mail segreteria@arek.it

Pec arkadiusz@pec.it

VAT 08524551218 – (CUU) T9K4ZHO


C.so Vittorio Emanuele, 656 – 80121


Piazza Mazzini, 27 – 00195
Tel: +39 06 56569171


Tel. +39 081 405655

Fax +39 081 4207876

Mail segreteria@arek.it

Pec arkadiusz@pec.it

P.IVA 08524551218 – (CUU) T9K4ZHO

Naples (IT)

C.so Vittorio Emanuele, 656 – 80121

Rome (IT)

Piazza Mazzini, 27 – 00195
Tel: +39 06 56569171


Phone +39 081 405655

Fax +39 081 4207876

Mail segreteria@arek.it

Pec arkadiusz@pec.it

VAT 08524551218 – (CUU) T9K4ZHO

Progetto cofinanziato dall’Unione Europea, dallo Stato Italiano e dalla Regione Campania,
nell’ambito del POR Campania “FESR 2014-2020”.

Project co-financed by the European Union, by Italian State and Regione Campania
with the POR Campania “FESR 2014-2020”.