EASY FINANCE - Orientation, assistance and reporting

Arkadiusz offers companies a complete guidance and assistance service for the evaluation of project feasibility, as well as support for research and access to financial benefits that the various institutions provide to private companies.

Starting from an in-depth analysis of the contents of the investment and research and development project Arkadiusz services extend to a study of the specific situation, to the definition of the best facilitative solution, to the complete assistance for achieving the Contribution and up to the reporting of the expenses admitted to facilitation.


The company intends to provide support and assistance for the management of evaluation processes of investment programs. In particular, it provides for the drafting of feasibility studies and the elaboration of business plans aimed at the creation and development of entrepreneurial initiatives in different economic sectors. In view of the experience gained on the main national tools (Research and Development Tax Credit, Investment Tax Credit in the south, Development Contracts, Smart & Start, subsidized loans for the agro-industrial sector, energy efficiency, etc.. ), after verification of the existence of the requirements, Arkadiusz s.r.l. intends to assist its clients in all relations with the Managing Authorities, both in the phase of feasibility analysis and evaluation of the project, and in the subsequent phase of investment implementation, reporting and technical and administrative monitoring.


For services related to internationalization, it promotes initiatives aimed at the growth and international cooperation of scientific partners and other legal entities by providing all useful tools for the development of its activities at the international level, thanks to its representations and qualified partners in countries of particular commercial and economic interest.


Arkadiusz offers consultancy in the planning and management of financial dynamics and in the preparation of financial budgets and investment plans (business plans), as well as assistance in the search for sources of coverage of financial needs and negotiation of agreements with financial institutions.

The company supports companies and institutions in the restructuring and reorganization of management processes as well as the rebalancing of financial structures, especially those subject to high financial leverage, optimizing the management of cash flows and reducing the financial burden in accordance with the Basel II agreements.

It is also able to support companies and institutions in the search for funding (debt capital) both short and medium to long term, in relation to the needs through its network of financial and industrial partners, can contribute to the search for venture capital.


C.so Vittorio Emanuele, 656 – 80121


Piazza Mazzini, 27 – 00195
Tel: +39 06 56569171


Tel. +39 081 405655

Fax +39 081 4207876

Mail segreteria@arek.it

Pec arkadiusz@pec.it

P.IVA 08524551218 – (CUU) T9K4ZHO

Naples (IT)

C.so Vittorio Emanuele, 656 – 80121

Rome (IT)

Piazza Mazzini, 27 – 00195
Tel: +39 06 56569171


Phone +39 081 405655

Fax +39 081 4207876

Mail segreteria@arek.it

Pec arkadiusz@pec.it

VAT 08524551218 – (CUU) T9K4ZHO


C.so Vittorio Emanuele, 656 – 80121


Piazza Mazzini, 27 – 00195
Tel: +39 06 56569171


Tel. +39 081 405655

Fax +39 081 4207876

Mail segreteria@arek.it

Pec arkadiusz@pec.it

P.IVA 08524551218 – (CUU) T9K4ZHO

Naples (IT)

C.so Vittorio Emanuele, 656 – 80121

Rome (IT)

Piazza Mazzini, 27 – 00195
Tel: +39 06 56569171


Phone +39 081 405655

Fax +39 081 4207876

Mail segreteria@arek.it

Pec arkadiusz@pec.it

VAT 08524551218 – (CUU) T9K4ZHO

Progetto cofinanziato dall’Unione Europea, dallo Stato Italiano e dalla Regione Campania,
nell’ambito del POR Campania “FESR 2014-2020”.

Project co-financed by the European Union, by Italian State and Regione Campania
with the POR Campania “FESR 2014-2020”.